Homoeopathy & Allergy Testing

Allergy testing is a simple, safe and non-invasive way of determining which substances are problematic for you using diagnostic kinesiology.

This method uses your physical reaction as a guide to how any given substance may affect you. The response of your muscles in the presence of various substances shows us whether you are sensitive to it, physically overloaded by it or allergic to it.

There is no need for blood or hair samples to be taken and no substance is brought into direct contact with your skin.

It is possible to test using a wide range of common foodstuffs, vaccines, allergens such as pollens, moulds and animal hair, and industrial and domestic toxic substances.

Knowing what to avoid or reduce exposure to puts control of your health back in your own hands.

If you have a sensitivity or allergy then homoeopathy can help.

Homoeopathy helps your body overcome sensitivities to naturally occurring substances like foods, pollen or animal hair, and it can help your body to detox and heal itself after over-exposure to toxic substances.

It is a gentle yet effective complementary medicine. Our remedies and methods provide your body with a stimulus to heal, overcome illness naturally and be less susceptible in the future.

We face many challenges throughout life: conception, pregnancy, post natal health, our early years, puberty and the rites of passage to adulthood, the stresses of school, work and modern life, enjoying a happy healthy old age and saying goodbye to those we love.

Homoeopathy can be used to heal physically, mentally and emotionally.

Respiratory problems, food intolerances, digestive problems, erectile dysfunction, menstrual problems, mastitis, stress related complaints, insomnia, lack of vitality, mood swings and emotional problems, post operative recovery, male and female fertility problems.

Many of these issues have physical and emotional components. Notable examples of this are eczema and IBS. These are often aggravated by anxiety and, in contrast to conventional medicine, homoeopathy focuses on both the emotional and physical symptoms. The situations which cause the anxiety may not go away but, as treatment progresses, one's emotional response can become more balanced and one’s physical symptoms less intense.

We treat ‘the whole you’ in order to help you overcome short-term illness or susceptibility to recurring ailments like allergies, hay fever, colds, and infections such as cystitis. Emotionally, homoeopathy can help resolve problems such as anxiety, depression and long-standing grief.

Homoeopathy is not just about finding the remedy; it is a process which can help you attain and maintain better health long term.

Homoeopathy #01

Rowland Smith, Bsc. (Hons) Homoeopathy, RSHom

I graduated in Classical Homoeopathy at The University of Westminster, and then trained in Diagnostic Kinesiology which is used in assessments for allergies and sensitivities to foods and pollutants.

I gained my initial experience with The Sunrise Children's Clinic and I take a busman's holiday most years with The Travelling Homoeopaths Collective providing homoeopathic first aid at summer festivals.

Since 2006 I have been providing a homoeopathy service at private practices in Lewisham and South-East London. I have experience of treating people from diverse backgrounds and ages, and with a variety of individual needs.

My private patient work has been complemented by involvement with a number of homoeopathic charities. In 2007 I worked with The Maun Homoeopathy Project in Botswana treating people with HIV and AIDS, which was a great privilege and provided me with valuable experience. I have also worked with the National Homeopathic Service (a charity providing homoeopathy to Sure Start), St. Mungo’s and Alcohol Recovery Programmes.

I belong to The Society of Homeopaths and I am a member of the South East London Homeopathic Group (SELHOG) which meets regularly for lectures and seminars.

I don't think homoeopathy should be something mysterious. It's important that patients understand the process so I’m always happy to answer any questions people have. I explain what remedies I am prescribing and why, and I like to work together with patients and their other healthcare professionals to provide truly complementary medicine.

To find out more about homoeopathy and how I practice please visit my individual website at www.123homeopathy.co.uk, or use our contact form to request a call or appointment.

Our practitioners have the experience and can help.

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What happens during a consultation?

Whatever your age and whatever your problem the initial consultation will last about one and a half hours. Why so long? The consultation is all about getting to know the whole you, and giving you the space and time to speak and be listened to.

It is important for me to know everything that is troubling you from your perspective so that I know who I‘m treating and how best I can help you to get better.

Our consultation can also help you to understand and identify patterns in your life which may be contributing to poor health and other problems.

Are homoeopathic remedies safe for my family and me?

Homoeopathic remedies are prepared in such a way that they cannot cause side effects or addiction in the same way as conventional medicines. They can be used safely during pregnancy, whilst breast-feeding, and by very young children. They can also be used safely alongside conventional medicines without concern.

Do you use the same substance that caused an illness to treat it?

No, although homoeopathy does mean ‘treating like with like’.

Something that can cause a particular illness or set of symptoms in a healthy person may benefit someone who has the same symptoms as a result of ill health.

For example, someone who drinks too much coffee might become excitable, unable to concentrate and unable to sleep. Someone suffering these symptoms as a result of a shock, stress or ill health may be prescribed the remedy Coffea because, rather than using chemicals to suppress symptoms, homoeopathy works with those symptoms to treat the underlying cause of ill health. The remedy provides a stimulus, the body responds and the process of healing and achieving balance begins.

Is it true that I'll have to get worse before I get better?

Not necessarily. In my experience most people begin to heal without any initial aggravation of symptoms; their bodies respond to the remedy and begin healing in a gentle and pain-free way. In some cases of long-term or acute illness, symptoms may intensify for a short time but it doesn't last long and it is a sure sign that one is responding to the remedy.

Is there any scientific evidence to support homoeopathy?

Yes. Studies into efficacy and safety have been carried out using a variety of research methods including randomised control trials which have found that homoeopathy is clinically effective.

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